Ok, so I have very limited time so here is a brief overview of some cool things this week:
Friday Stevens went to the temple with all the departing missionaries
(they all go the Friday before they go home and it's like a thing to go
and pray in the celestial room and ask God if He accepts your mission)
and they all go to lunch. So I got to go to Lacey for the day with Sis
Smith and we had so. much. fun. Stevens and Fowkes were also 3 hours
late and had no phone so we just assumed something terrible had happened
but that was such a fun day and we saw a lot of cool things!
Sierra got baptized! :) It was way cool, her siblings are also still
praying about baptism and it was awesome to have her whole family there.
She is solid.
We met with the Goodchilds pretty often this
past week and I LOVE them - Tristan and Rainy want to be baptized SO bad
- Tristan (9) made up this song and boogie about "baptism holy wataaa!"
and it's hilarious. They are the cutest little family and always have
gifts and drawings for us when we come over :)
The rain has
toootally warmed it up over here. It's always wet and if the water seeps
through your coat then it gets cold.. but I stayed decently warm this
TRANSFER CALLS came Saturday night at like 9:15 after
we waited in pain all day, but I get Sis Harbaugh!!!!!! AH! We came out
together (we met in the bathroom at the MTC and never saw each other til
the plane but she is awesome) and I am so dang excited. It's going to
be so fun and I can't wait to spend this transfer with her :) So
transfer meeting is tomorrow and Sis Rieland is driving us up to Tacoma
to save miles (holy moses we are dang conservative on our miles as of
late.. haha we've had like 4 park days) and Stevens is flying home
Wednesday! (it's cool - her dad has been deployed/in the army and is
coming home too and his flight gets in an hour before hers! awesome,
right??) I'm way excited for this next transfer, it's gonna be good!
so yesterday at church after ward council the exec sec came up to me
and said the speaker got sick... and I had my first real experience of
"they're not here? ask the missionaries!" So that was terrifying. But, I
did it! I talked about gratitude for the atonement and I have had just
so many experiences lately where I've needed to rely on the Lord. I feel
like He's trying to tell me something ;) Cause later that night at
Sierra's baptism I had to give the missionary message by myself where I
just had to teach the Restoration, but for some reason I was just way
nervous (there were other missionaries there and nonmembers and just
kind of a lot of pressure). I have needed to rely on Him a lot, and I'm
learning a lot. I don't know what I would've done without that help. I
know He is always there and willing and waiting to help! We just need to
ask :) I love my God and Savior Jesus Christ. He is so good.
love you all and can't thank you enough for all your love and support!!
You are amazing and I hope you have the best week ever.
Sister Wilson
PS--I forgot to add super quick - Bonnie, the lady me and Fowkes knocked into from our exchange? I think I told you about her when I felt prompted to go back to her house and she cried and we prayed with her? We went back a couple nights ago and she told us to come in and the note we taped to her door she has hanging on her wall and she said "I believed you were angels.." and told us how she really really needed us that night and our prayer was the most beautiful thing she'd ever heard and she knows we were sent by God and it was awesome :))) She's not interested, but it was way cool talking to her and I know she needed us at that time!
PS--I forgot to add super quick - Bonnie, the lady me and Fowkes knocked into from our exchange? I think I told you about her when I felt prompted to go back to her house and she cried and we prayed with her? We went back a couple nights ago and she told us to come in and the note we taped to her door she has hanging on her wall and she said "I believed you were angels.." and told us how she really really needed us that night and our prayer was the most beautiful thing she'd ever heard and she knows we were sent by God and it was awesome :))) She's not interested, but it was way cool talking to her and I know she needed us at that time!
here's our zone (president came and was cut off.. woops)
and the sisters within our zone who i love!
me and Maddie (Jackson). She is my little buddy and pretty much the cutest
and one from the baptism!
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